Wednesday, 12 April 2017

“2017 - A Job Seekers' Market! – Go grab it!”

The news is officially out: The talent war has begun.

According to Talent Shortage Survey by Manpower Group, 40% of employers say that they had a hard time finding talent for the vacant positions in 2016.  The good news is, Employers are looking for competent candidates and greatly value eligible candidates!  

Below is a list of various hiring trends that will help you in exploring new job opportunities

Identify the hot Jobs:

There are a few positions that are always in demand and are hard to fill such as sales representatives, engineers, technicians, drivers, accounting and finance professionals, secretaries and receptionists. Prepping up for these is a good idea if you’re in the transitional stage of changing career paths. When applying for these, it is important to highlight relevant skills in your CV.


About one-fourth of survey participants reported that there was a dearth of applicants. This could be the result of lack of perusing opportunities assuming that their resumes won’t even be read nor will they be called for interview.
This is so untrue. The employers not only see the resumes but they also call and have interviews scheduled. So, applying is the first step. So, instead disbelieving and giving up on an opportunity, go ahead and absolutely APPLY! You sure will be surprised at the responses youll get.

Job description – A must read!:

About one fifth of the survey participants opined that they had to rejects the applicants because they did not meet the required criteria such as experience or skill. Although, as stated above, it is important to apply, it is also important to apply only if you have met he eligibility criteria.  If you are switching career paths, make sure you mention that clearly in the cover letter or the resume.

On-the-job training:

More that 50% of the employers today are investing in training the hired candidates to prepare them for optimum performance. This is an additional bonus cause it gives you an opportunity to add more feathers to your cap that you can flaunt for your next change. This also helps building network if the training is being provided through external sources.

Attractive and Higher Salaries:

According to Mercer Consulting, average pay increase this year is expected to be 2.9 percent.  This is happening only because it is a job seekers market. Employers are willing to pay more not only cause of candidate shortage but they would also make their employees feel valuable and important. Considering the above it can be concluded that it is a fairly good time to explore opportunities.

Perky perks:

With about 27% employers providing extra perks to new hires, this is un arguably the best time to look for a new job.
Along with the very pleasing salary boosting, employers are realizing more and more that it is equally important to provide tasty perks to get a better deal from the resource. This could range anywhere between, free lunches, additional pay-offs,  and joining bonuses.  

So, wait not!

Equip yourself to get posted and make the most out this precious year that holds all gold for job seekers!

Monday, 3 April 2017

10 pro-tips to nail your next Skype interview!

Etiquette of conducting oneself on a Skype interview is very different from personal or a phone interview, but learning to do it right can get you fat chances of making it to the job!

Skype interviews have been gaining immense popularity and significance in the past decade and will soon replace personal interviews. These online/video interviews can actually be the bridge between both worlds; face-to-face interview minus the hectic travel schedules.

Regardless of who is interviewing you, it is absolutely important to be ready to impress the one on the screen!
Here are a few tips:

1. Prepare your surroundings. 

It’s important to see that place you pick is quiet and pleasing to the eye without any distractions or loud objects in the surroundings. A neutral and tidy backdrop is ideal. The only dominant/focal point of on the screen must be you!

2. Dress the part. 

Whether it is on Skype or in person doesn’t really dictate your dressing. Dress professionally as you would for a formal face to face interview. It is very much expected and will not be excused. 

3. Look at the camera, not the screen.

As funny as it may sound this is a real-time pitfall. It’s a natural tendency to watch ourselves or the interviewer, but eye contact is important you see! And the only way to get t right is look into the camera and not the screen. 

4. Practice, practice and more practice.

Skype interviews can a bit awkward and funny specially the first few times and also it Is not easy to look into the cam and not the screen. It makes perfect sense to practice several times back and forth and ensure there are no glitches when you ra e finally doing the real one; come across like a pro!

5. Close other programs on your computer. 

Well, the social bugs that we are, we always have several stations open on the system popping notifications about the updates! This can be trouble maker. Be safe than sorry – Close all other tabs! 

6. Use notes.

The best part of a Skype interview is that you can keep your notes handy and don’t have to be worried about missing important points. It’s sensible to keep your resume handy and some other chits as required that you can quickly refer if need be. Keep them short and not lengthy. Also, use these only if required as it can look very shoddy if you pause at every question. Use them sparingly.

7. Avoid interruptions.

Interruptions by people and pets can be disaster if you are doing an interview from home. Make it a pint to inform everyone at home beforehand about your interview and ensure they will not disturb you. 

8. Keep your profile professional. 

Since you are not there in person, your profile will make the first impression; you got to ensure it’s the best! We mean your profile picture and Skype user name. Avoid fancy names and keep it real, neat and professional. 

9. Watch your body language.

A good and relaxed posture is the key. This is the important thing that pretty much defines your confidence on an online interview. This will only couple with the eye contact we were discussing earlier on. Remember – POSTURE! 

10. Set the audio right. 

This is an important and often neglected point. You don’t want you both to be screaming “do you hear me now?” into the mike, do you? Set the Skype audio before hand  to make sure you both can hear and be heard without any problem. 

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